Sermon - Don't Follow Balaam
Sermon - One Sacrifice Once and For All
Sermon - Christianity and Homosexuality
Sermon - Do You Believe the Report of the Lord
Sermon - "Steadfast in the Doctrine"
Sermon - "Revival Makes You Old Fashioned"
Sermon - "Revival of Your FIrst Love"
Sermon - "Shining the Light and the Coming Persecution"
Sermon - "Revival Requires Painful Adjustments"
Sermon - "Choosing Christ or Satan"
Sermon - "Sin, Holiness, and Grace"
Sermon - "Behavioral Doctrines"
Sermon - "Be Strong in the Lord"
Sermon - "Your Spiritual Shoes, Sword, & Shield"
Sermon - "Learning to be Content"
Sermon - "Saving Faith or the Faith of Devils"
Sermon - "We Need A Holiness Revival"
Sermon - "I Believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God"
Sermon - "Faith in the Holy Bible"
Sermon - "Faith Over Intellectualism"
Sermon - "Biblical Gender Roles"
Sermon - "Preaching the Gospel in Challenging Times"
Sermon - A Revival of True Christianity
Sermon - "A Friend Like No Other"
Sermon - "The Preaching of the Cross"
Sermon - "The Significance of the Resurrection"
Sermon - "The Fundamental Doctrine of Laying on of Hands."
Sermon - "Sifting for the Elect"
Sermon - "The Fundamental Doctrine of Water Baptism"
Sermon - "Doctrine of Repentance"
Sermon - "Knowing Your Spiritual Enemy"
Sermon - "Weep Not"
Sermon - "Feeling More Secure About Salvation"
Sermon - "As For Me"
Sermon - "Why He Came"
Sermon - "Naughty or Nice"
Sermon - "Signs of a REAL Work of God"
Sermon - "Righteousness God's Way"
Sermon - "Thanks GIVING"
Sermon - "Ministering to Those That Oppose - Pt. 3"
Sermon - "Ministering to Those That Oppose - Pt. 1"
Sermon - "Ministering to Those That Oppose - Pt. 2"
Sermon - "Sin and the Disciple of Christ - Pt. 1"
Sermon - "Sin and the Disciple of Christ - Pt. 2"
Sermon - "Imagineering"
"Focused on Eternal Life"
Disciples of Christ - Pt. 2
Disciples of Christ - Pt. 1
Sermon - "Faith in God Pt. 3"
Sermon - "Faith in God Pt. 1"
Sermon - "Faith in God Pt. 2"
Sermon - "It is Time to Earnestly Contend"
"Be Ye Also Ready"
Sermon - "Do You Love Jesus More"
"The High Price of Rebellion"
"Be Not Weary"
"Do You Love Jesus More"
"Blessed Are the Persecuted"
"Blessed Are the Peacemakers"
"Blessed Are they that Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness"
"There Shall Be A Resurrection" - 4-9-23
"Weights and Sins" - (Audio Only)
"Blessed Are They That Mourn"
"Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit"
"Biblical Marriage and the Family" - 3-12-23
"Turn Ye to the Lord" - 3-5-23
"Turn Ye to the Lord" - 3-5-23
Sunday AM - "Gifted to Build God's House" - 2-26-23
Sunday AM - "Gifted to Build God's House" - 2-26-23
Sunday PM - "Real Revival" - 2-26-23 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Righteousness Vs. Goodness" - 2-19-23
Sunday AM - "Goodness Vs. Righteousness" - 2-19-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Judgment at the Second Coming of the Lord" - 2-19-23
Sunday AM - "Love and the Law of God" - 2-19-23
Sunday AM - "Love and the Law of God" - 2-19-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Go Everywhere" - 2-12-23
Sunday AM - "Dealing With Anger" - 2-5-23
Sunday AM - "Dealing With Anger" - 2-5-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "When Sin Becomes Unpardonable" 2-5-23
Sunday AM - "Radically Saved" - 1-29-23
Sunday AM - "Radically Saved" - 1-29-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Kingdom Criminals" - 1-29-23 (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Love of God" - 1-22-23
Sunday AM - "The Love of God" - 1-22-23 (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Happy Go Lucky Jesus" - 1-22-23
Sunday AM - "Its A New Day" - 1-15-23
Sunday AM - "Its A New Day" - 1-15-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Take Up Your Cross" - 1-15-23 PM (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Self Denial" - 1-8-23 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Instruction in Righteousness" - 1-8-23 (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Jesus Idol" - 1-1-23
Candlelight Service - "O Come All Ye Faithful" - 12-22-22 - (Audio)
Sermon - "O Holy Night" - 12-18-22 - (Audio)
Sermon - "The Family Nation" - (Audio)
Sermon - "Faith is the Victory" - 12-11-22 - (Audio)
Sermon - "Citizens of Another Kingdom" - 11-27-22 - (Audio)
Sermon - "Where is Your Heart?" - 11-27-22 (Audio)
Sermon - "What is in Your Hand" - 11-20-22
Sermon - "Preach to the Poor" - 11-13-22
Sermon - "As For Me"
"There is No Fear of God" - 10-30-22 - (Audio)
"Suddenly" - 10-30-22 PM - (Audio Only)
"Don't Envy the Wicked" - 10-3-22
"Abstain From Fornication" - 10-3-22
"Holiness and the Holy Spirit" - 9-25-22 - (Audio)
"The Exclusiveness of Truth" - 9-18-22 - (Audio)
"Saved by Grace Through Faith" - 8-14-22
"Brands Plucked From The Fire" - 7-10-22 - (Audio)
"Guided By The Lord Of The Harvest" - 7-10-22
"Following the Shepherd" - 7-3-22 (Audio)
"The Rage of the Antichrist" - 7-3-22
"The Kingdom of God Vs. The Kingdoms of This World" - 6-19-22 - (Audio)
"Helping Others Avoid God's Wrath" - 6-19-22 - (Audio)
"Biblical Family Values" - 6-20-22
"Growing Into His Image" - 6-12-22
"Stand or Get Swept Away" - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Don't Quit" - 5-15-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Testifying of Jesus" - 5-15-22 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Biblically Defined Marriage" - 5-8-22 - (Audio)
Part One - 4-24-22 |
Part Two - 4-24-22 |
Part Three - 4-24-22 |
Sunday AM - "The Judgment of the Ungodly" - 4-24-22
Sunday AM - "What Must I Do To Be Saved" - 4-17-22 = (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Morality of Evangelism" - 4-10-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "The Gospel Message Pt. 1" - 4-10-22 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Instantaneous Work of God" - 3-27-22 - (Audio Only)
Sunday PM - "Instantaneous Conviction" - 3-27-22
Sunday AM - "This is the Day of Salvation" - 3-20-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Standing on God's Promises" - 3-20-22 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Is This The End?" - Pt. 1 - 3-13-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Is This The End?" - Pt. 2 - 3-13-22
Sunday AM - "Does Sin Still Matter "- 3-6-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Sin Listed" - 3-6-22
Part One - 2-27-22
Sunday AM - "Praying for THE Laborers" - 2-27-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Praying for THE Laborers - Pt. 2 - 2-27-22 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Biblical Convictions" - 2-20-22
Part One -2-20-22 |
Part Two - 2-20-22 |
Part Three - 2-20-22 |
Sunday AM - "Interceding for Saints" - 2-13-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Christ Our Intercessor" - 2-13-22 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Intertestamental Period II" - 2-10-22
Sunday PM - "Marriage & God's Laws Regarding Sexual Behavior" - 2-6-22
Sunday AM - "The Ministry of Intercession" - 2-6-22 - (Audio)
Thursday Night Bible Study - "The Intertestamental Period" - 2-3-22
Sunday AM - "Kingdom Invitation" - 1-30-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Standing for Kingdom Law" - 1-30-22 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Malachi & Intertestamental Period" - 1-27-22
Sunday AM - Are You A Worshipper of God? - 1-23-22 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Climb The Mountain" - 1-23-22 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - Prophets - NehemiahPt. & Malachi Pt. 1 - 1-13-22
Thursday Bible Study - The Prophets - Zechariah, Nehemiah - 1-13-22
Sunday AM - "A World Without Jesus" - 1-9-22 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah (1)" - 1-6-22
Sunday AM - 1-2-22 - "Satan and His Ministers" - (Audio)
Sunday PM - 1-2-22 - "They Subvert Whole Households" - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - 12-26-21 - "Gathering the Scattered Jews" - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Christ the Savior" - 12-12-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "No Fear of God" - 12-12-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Trial of Your Faith" - 11-28-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Liars in Hell" - 11-21-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Be Ye Thankful" - 11-21-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - Daniel (Part 2) - 11-19-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "God's Love" - 11-14-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "The Rule of Faith & Practice" - Anton Burnette - 11-14-21
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets - Daniel" - 11-11-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Foolishness of Sin" - 11-7-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Idolaters in Hell" - 11-7-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets - Ezekiel" - 11-4-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM Service - "Modern Sorcery" - 10-31-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets - Jeremiah Pt. 2" - 10-28-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Sorcerers in Hell" - 10-17-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Secret Place" - 10-10-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Adulterers Will Be Judged" - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - The Prophets - Hosea II & Micah - 10-7-21
Sunday AM - "Illegal Sexual Behavior" - 10-3-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "How to be Reconciled to God" - 10-3-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - The Prophets "Amos & Hosea Pt. 1" - 9-30-21
Sunday AM - "The Fate of Murderers" - 9-26-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "The Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge" - 9-26-21
Thursday Bible Study - The Prophets (Isaiah Pt. 3 & Joel) - 9-23-21
Sunday AM Service - "The Abominable" - 9-19-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "The Holy Spirit and Healing" - 9-19-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - The Prophets - Isaiah Pt. 2 - 9-16-21
Sunday AM - "The Unbelievers" - 9-12-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Speaking in Tongues" - 9-12-21
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets" - Isaiah Pt. 1 - 9-9-21
Sunday AM Service - "The Fate of the Fearful" - 8-29-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets" (Habakkuk & Obadiah) - 8-26-21
Sunday AM Service - "Last Days Deception and the Church" - 8-22-2
(Audio Only)
Sunday PM Service - "Seeking to be Filled with the Spirit" - 8-22-21 (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Prophets #2 - Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah" - 8-19-21
Sunday AM Service - "Forever Family" - 8-15-21
Sunday PM - "Filled with the Spirit" - 8-15-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Night Bible Study - "The Prophets" - Introduction & Jonah
Sunday AM Service - "Choosing God Above All" - 8-8-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "Born of the Spirit" - 8-8-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 8-5-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM Service - "Dealing With Trouble" - 8-1-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "Hell And Arrogance" - 8-1-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 7-29-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM Service - "Dwelling in Canaan" - 7-18-21
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 7-15-21
Sunday AM - "The Rapture" - 7-11-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Even Denying the Lord" - 7-11-21 (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "The Seriousness of Sin" - 7-4-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Night Bible Study - 7-1-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Limitless Mercy of God" - 6-27-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "He Careth For You" - 6-27-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Be Not Unequally Yoked" - 6-20-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 6-17-24 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Embrace Being Different" - 6-13-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Prepared to be Used" - 6-13-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Make It Plain" - 6-6-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Prophesy to the Wind" - 6-6-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Jesus is Lifted Up" - 5-30-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Faith Walkers" - 5-30-21 PM (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 5-27-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - "Epicureans & Hell" - 5-23-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "Resisting Epicureanism" - 5-23-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - 5-9-21 - "Restored Women" - (Audio)
Thursday Night Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 4-29-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "A Sure Covenant" - 4-25-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Take A Stand" - 4-25-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 4-22-21 - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM - "Our Father" - 4-18-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "The Longsuffering God" - 4-18-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Mark Bible Study" - 4-15-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - "Destroyed Because of Ignorance" - 4-11-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "Those For Us and Against Us" - 4-11-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 4-8-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "There Shall Be A Resurrection" - 4-4-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - Communion & Feet Washing - 4-4-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 4-1-21
Sunday AM - "Behold Thy King Cometh" - 3-28-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Faith In His Blood" - 3-28-21 - PM - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 3-25-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Are You Spiritual?" - 3-21-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Contrition" - 3-21-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 3-18-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Sanctified Life" - 3-14-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Spiritual Ambition" - 3-14-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 3-11-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Backsliding V" - 3-7-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Backsliding VI" - 3-7-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 3-4-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Backsliding III" - 2-28-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Backsliding IV" - 2-28-21 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 2-25-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "Holiness Revival" - 2-21-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Enemy of Evangelism" - 2-21-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - Gospel of Mark - 2-18-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - "The Word of Truth" - 2-14-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "Backsliding II" - 2-14-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - Gospel of Mark - 2-11-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - 2-7-21 - "The Refreshing" - (Audio)
Sunday PM - 2-7-21 - "Backsliding (I)" - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 2-4-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - 1-31-21 - "The Eternal Cross" - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - 1-31-21 - "Signs Judgment is Near" - (Audio)
Thursday Night Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 1-28-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - "Procrastination" - 1-24-21 - (Audio)
Sunday PM - "A Passion for God" - 1-24-21 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 1-21-21 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - 1-17-21 - "The Gospel Offers Two Choices" - (Audio Only)
Sunday PM - 1-17-21 - "Rebellion Against Church Authority" - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Gospel of Mark" - 1-14-20 - (Audio)
Sunday AM - 1-10-21 - "Saved to the Uttermost." - (Audio)
Sunday PM - 1-10-21 - "Rebellion Against Family Authority" - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 1-7-21 - (Audio)
Sunday - 1-3-21 - "Rebellion Against God"
Sunday Night - 1-3-21 - "Rebellion Against Civil Authority" - (Audio Only)
Sunday 12-27-20 - "Seize the Day" - (Audio)
Sunday 12-20-20 - "The Lamb is in the Manger" - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - December 17, 2020
Thursday Night Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 12-10-20 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - "God's Plan of Faith" - 12-6-20 - (Audio)
Thursday Bible Study - "The Gospel of Mark" - 12-3-20 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - "Sins of the Spirit" - 11-29-20 - Audio
Sunday PM Service - "Kingdom Laws - Intoxication" - 11-29-20 - Audio
Sunday AM Service - "The Sunny Side Life" - 11-22-20 - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "My Kingdom is Not of this World" - 11-22-20 PM - (Audio Only)
Thursday Night Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 11-19-20 - (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - 11-15-20 - "Kingdom Law - Adultery" - (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - 11-15-20 - "The Name of Jesus" - (Audio Only)
Sunday AM Service - "Kingdom Laws - Sexual Sins II" - 11-8-20 (Audio)
Sunday PM Service - "Everlasting Joy" - 11-8-20 - (Audio Only)
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 11-5-20
Part One - 11-5-20 |
Part Two - 11-5-20 |
Part Three - 11-5-20 |
Thursday Bible Study - "Gospel of Mark" - 11-5-20 (Audio)
Sunday AM Service - 11-1-20 - "Kingdom Law - Sexual Misconduct"
Part One - 11-1-20 |
Part Two - 11-1-20 |
Part Three - 11-1-20 |